Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Learn about Essential Oils, discover their properties and benefits while creating a strong foundation and knowledge base. So whether you are looking for natural remedies or wish to incorporate plant based products into your life, understanding the basics is a great place to start. Find what works for you! neōb Lavender is here to help!

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Melaleuca alternifolia

INCI Name: Alternifolia Leaf

There are many different species and varieties of plants, which can affect the properties or quality of an essential oil. Check the Botanical name or INCI name, this will help clearly distinguish an essential oil derived from one plant from other plants that share the same common name. 

Plant Part: Leaves

Distillation Method:  Steam Distillation 


  • Disinfectant 
  • Antibacterial
  • Antiviral
  • Antifungal
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Increase healing of cuts wounds, insect bites, and skin infection
  • Treats acne
  • Reduce headaches
  • Aids in relieving respiratory issues
  • Immune system booster

Benefits & Uses 

Skin Healing

Tea Tree essential oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which makes it an excellent skin healing aid. To prevent infection apply tea tree essential oil to minor burns, bites, cuts and wounds as a natural disinfectant. 

Treating Acne

Help reduce acne causing bacteria on your body and face by applying tea tree essential oil to problem skin areas. Recommended to do this at night. 

Reducing Respiratory Issues

Use aromatically by adding a few drops of tea tree essential oil into a diffuser or tissue and inhale deeply. Or blend tea tree essential oil with carrier oil(s) and apply topically by rubbing into the chest. 

Where can I find Tea Tree Essential Oil?

Visit our Tea Tree Essential Oil page to add this fantastic essential oil to your collection! neōb Lavender is committed to the quality and purity of every bottle of essential oil we produce. 


  • Typically non-toxic and non-irritating  
  • Mild sensitizer, recommended to dilute using carrier oils and spot test prior to use
  • Avoid use on allergy prone skin
  • Avoid use on sensitive skin
  • Avoid use on sensitive skin areas such as eyes and ears

Further Information

Looking to build your knowledge of Essential Oils, check out our article on Essential Oil Foundations. Learn and grow with neōb Lavender. 

Essential oils are highly concentrated and potent. Prior to use consult a Healthcare Professional especially if pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children and animals. Keep away from sensitive skin areas such as eyes, ears and mucus membranes. 

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